Senin, 18 Maret 2019

How to make jso script

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How to make jso script
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Hay gay meet me again: v
yes this time we will give you a tutorial on how to create a JSO Script

Ok, just go ahead, see the tutor is good !!

1. Your first step is to open the web below on your Browser

2. Then prepare your Deface Script, then copy all your deface scripts.

3. After that, paste your deface script that was copied in the Web design section.

4. Then you click charCodeAT () in the middle.

5. Then Copy the Hexa Decimal Code below,
This is the code

document.documentElement.innerHTML = String.fromCharCode (Code Char Here)
6. After that Copas All Hexal Code and charCodeAT () as shown above the previous one
7. Then go to this link
And click new paste
8.continue to select raw

6.continue to select create new -> raw

7.then copy the raw pastebin link, then add the code like this 
8. <script type = "text / javascript" src = "link raw Pastebin">

Example : 
<script type = "text / javascript" src = "">

ok I think its enough sorry if there is an error Assalamualaikum

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